MINDtastic Clubs

where TGW employees learn new skills with ease and the joy of growing becomes a community affair.

The aim is to offer TGW employees a completely unique opportunity to learn new 21st century skills. The joy of growing should become a community affair and radiate lightness.

The MINDtastic Clubs offer an innovative learning ecosystem in which participants can develop their future skills in a creative and collaborative process. This system makes it possible to cultivate digital skills related to future trends and then apply newly acquired skills directly in everyday professional life.

In the dynamic learning communities of the MINDtastic Clubs, participants can not only immerse themselves directly in exciting, revolutionary subject areas and deepen their knowledge, but also get into action directly, in an application-oriented manner, with like-minded people in the community.

Theoretical influences
from academic publications

TGW Logistics Group’s MINDtastic Club learning ecosystem was developed after an extensive lead time to meet the needs and desires of learners. A master’s thesis entitled “Cultivating Capabilities of the 21st Century: Development of a Learning-Club Ecosystem at TGW Logistics Group” provided the basic framework for this new-age learning educational format. Furthermore, the experiences and feedback from TGW employees were analyzed in detail in order to optimally design the learning offering.

Akademischer Hintergrund
Akademischer Hintergrund

The academic background

The MINDtastic Club model contains relevant basic conditions that ensure that the principles are implemented not only theoretically, but also in practice within the club offerings across the board in all formats. The TGW employees develop their skills along this principled culture and thus actively contribute to the organization of the club’s activities, thereby creating a dynamic and inclusive environment.

Quality & Support

The global Learning & Development team of the TGW-Logistics Group, known under the protected brand MINDtastic, offers ongoing support for the respective mentors, on the one hand through proactive didactic advice to facilitate the planning of further clubs or the creation of self-organized learning segments. On the other hand, an ongoing, sustainable evaluation strategy and quality management of the framework are also guaranteed.

Adequat Learning Conditions

The MINDtastic Clubs offer a platform for exchange between face-to-face events in order to create a balance between virtuality and physicality. They are designed to meet the needs of all types of learners by integrating both individual and collaborative learning approaches. The tasks include preparing content, researching topics and facilitating presentations in order to promote an effective symbiosis of both learning methods.

Principles & Values

Experiment – Offers the opportunity to explore new paths and also test unfinished things.

Community – Enables the exchange and discussion of experiences and approaches to challenging topics.

Autonomy – Supports the promotion of self-effective and self-directed learning skills within the clubs.

Support – Offers support and individual approach to topics through the participation of enthusiastic subject matter experts.

Skills – Promotes both professional and personal development to engage more deeply with pervasive topics.

No Fear – Creates a protected and detached atmosphere of freedom from fear as a central element.

Freedom – Enables joint, free action (hands-on) and networking with colleagues from outside the department.

By Chance – Offers freedom to stumble upon ideas and innovations, with time and appreciation for breaking new ground.

Adoption & Host – Promotes the ongoing adaptation of the club ecosystem and the emergence of new clubs that can be launched and hosted by TGW employees.

From Pioneer Stage to Autonomy

The MINDtastic Clubs offer a structured environment in which employees can gradually expand their skills through a three-phase concept. In the pioneer phase, the focus is on acquiring skills under the guidance of mentors. The maturity phase enables the participants to act increasingly independently and to help shape the club meetings. Finally, the autonomy phase promotes a high level of independence, with experienced participants acting as mentors and leading the clubs. This approach aims to have a positive impact on the entire organization.

The academic background

Im MINDtastic Club Modell sind relevante Grundbedingungen festgehalten, die sicherstellen, dass die Prinzipien nicht nur theoretisch, sondern auch in der Praxis innerhalb der Club Angebote flächendeckend in allen Formaten umgesetzt werden. Die Mitarbeiter:innen der TGW entfalten ihre Fähigkeiten entlang dieser Prinzipienkultur und tragen somit auch aktiv zur Gestaltung der Clubaktivitäten bei, wodurch ein dynamisches und inklusives Umfeld geschaffen wird.

Akademischer Hintergrund

Quality & Support

The global Learning & Development team of the TGW-Logistics Group, known under the protected brand MINDtastic, offers ongoing support for the respective mentors, on the one hand through proactive didactic advice to facilitate the planning of further clubs or the creation of self-organized learning segments. On the other hand, an ongoing, sustainable evaluation strategy and quality management of the framework are also guaranteed.

Adequat Learning Conditions

The MINDtastic Clubs offer a platform for exchange between face-to-face events in order to create a balance between virtuality and physicality. They are designed to meet the needs of all types of learners by integrating both individual and collaborative learning approaches. The tasks include preparing content, researching topics and facilitating presentations in order to promote an effective symbiosis of both learning methods.

Principles & Values

Experiment – Offers the opportunity to explore new paths and also test unfinished things.

Community – Enables the exchange and discussion of experiences and approaches to challenging topics.

Autonomy – Supports the promotion of self-effective and self-directed learning skills within the clubs.

Support – Offers support and individual approach to topics through the participation of enthusiastic subject matter experts.

Skills – Promotes both professional and personal development to engage more deeply with pervasive topics.

No Fear – Creates a protected and detached atmosphere of freedom from fear as a central element.

Freedom – Enables joint, free action (hands-on) and networking with colleagues from outside the department.

By Chance – Offers freedom to stumble upon ideas and innovations, with time and appreciation for breaking new ground.

Adoption & Host – Promotes the ongoing adaptation of the club ecosystem and the emergence of new clubs that can be launched and hosted by TGW employees.

From Pioneer Stage to Autonomy

The MINDtastic Clubs offer a structured environment in which employees can gradually expand their skills through a three-phase concept. In the pioneer phase, the focus is on acquiring skills under the guidance of mentors. The maturity phase enables the participants to act increasingly independently and to help shape the club meetings. Finally, the autonomy phase promotes a high level of independence, with experienced participants acting as mentors and leading the clubs. This approach aims to have a positive impact on the entire organization.