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MINDtastic Club Immersify

Hands-on learning in communities within a learning club format about immersive technologies and understanding virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR).

The Club Mentor

Gloria-Maria Umlauf
Global Learning Tools Specialist
  • 2024 – present
    TGW Logistics Group, Global Learning Tools Specialist

  • 2019 – 2024
    TGW Logistics Group, Apprentice Trainer for Application Development and Coding

  • 2011 – 2019
    PSI Automotive & Industry GmbH, Senior Software Developer

  • Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
    Information Systems

  • University of Applied Sciences – Hagenberg Campus
    Software Engineering


  • Basic understanding of virtual designs and the various aspects and possible applications

  • Explanation of terms relating to virtual, augmented and mixed reality

  • Fields of application Immersion in companies and in TGW

  • Overview of possible fields of application and tools in the area of immersion

  • Awareness of spatial didactics and motion sickness

  • Insight into the fields of application and design of virtual & blended spaces

  • Generating awareness of data protection and security

  • Introduction to how AR/VR/XR applications can be designed (DICE, storyboards, storytelling, and bodystorming)

  • Expertise in technical setup / streaming & visualization with TGW’s own equipment


  • Building an understanding of trends in the field of immersive technologies

  • Ability to operate TGW’s own hardware and familarization with immersive experiences

  • Build up technical understanding and application skills for the various possibilities with virtual, augmented, and mixed reality

  • Technical understanding and methodical application competence in designing data-driven concepts

  • Ability to use software & apps, and overview of numerous applications in everyday working life

  • Establishment of a permanent, self-organized development club for learning contemporary methods of the immersive media landscape

  • Club has a long-term impact on the entire TGW-World to spread understanding and application competence for immersive media