
Our vision: Modern, digital and self-directed learning

The LearningHub is the digital learning platform (learning management system) at TGW. It embodies our vision for the future of digital learning and is currently being comprehensively updated.

Our goals for the LearningHub are:

  • Self-Directed Learning: The LearningHub empowers learners to choose their own path. Regardless of location and time, they can access the learning content they need. Individual learning paths take into account each user’s personal requirements and pace.
  • Digital Diversity: Our platform offers a wide range of digital media and learning formats, including videos and complete web-based trainings.
  • Personalization: Recognizing that every learner is unique, we design the LearningHub to cater to individual needs. Whether visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, we provide relevant content.
  • Social Exchange: Learning should not occur in isolation. The LearningHub encourages interaction among colleagues through discussion forums or collaborative projects, fostering a sense of community.
  • Appealing Design: We are working on a modern, visually pleasing “look and feel” for the LearningHub. An aesthetic design enhances the joy of the learning experience.
  • Sustainability: Transferring acquired knowledge into everyday work is one of our key objectives. Efficient learning also means sustainable learning. We aim for the knowledge gained in the LearningHub to be applied in the workplace over the long term.


center, core

Our mission is to make the LearningHub a place where learning is not only effective, but also inspiring.

MINDtastic Learning Hub - Diskussion

By continuously developing our learning platform, we offer our employees a learning experience tailored to their needs. Our diverse learning formats, such as eLearning, blended learning, gamification and learning journeys, accompany them over a longer period of time.

We bring the information to where it is needed – at the time it is needed. This allows learners to grow in the best possible way and expand their skills.