
MINDtastic Generative AI

Learning in communities within a practical learning club format on the topics of big data, AI and deep learning.

The Club Mentor

Portrait Coach Beinhofer
  • 2023 – ongoing
    Beinhofer Deep Tech, Consultant and Trainer

  • 2016 – 2023
    TGW Logistics Group, Head of Cognitive Systems Development

  • 2014 – 2016
    TGW Logistics Group, Logistics &  IT Consultant

  • The University of Freiburg
    PhD, Computer Science

  • The University of Freiburg
    Master’s degree, Mathematics

  • University of Montpellier

  • RWTH Aachen University
    Bachelor’s degree, Mathematics


  • Basics of generative AI technologies and their importance in the modern business environment
  • Do’s and Don’ts, company policy on generative AI, legal aspects
  • Practical applications of generative AI in everyday work
  • Case studies and realistic examples to illustrate the potential of generative AI
  • Discussions about ethical considerations related to the application of generative AI
  • Develop your own small projects to practically apply and deepen what you have learned


  • Understanding of the capabilities and limitations of generative AI
  • Overview of the numerous possible applications in everyday work
  • Operational skills to fully exploit the potential of the tools
  • Building a permanent, self-organized learning club on generative AI
  • Additional goal: Learning club has a long-term impact across the entire TGW to spread understanding and application skills on generative AI