
MINDtastic Club Data Drive

Learning in communities within a practical learning club format on the topics of big data, AI and deep learning.

The Club Mentors

Portrait Coach Kagerer
  • 2020 – ongoing
    TGW Logistics Group, Developer Cognitive Systems

  • 2019 – 2020
    TGW Logistics Group, Data Analyst

  • The Julius Maximilians University, Würzburg
    PH.D. Computer Science

  • Johannes Keppler Universität, Linz
    Dipl. Ingenieur, Industrial Mathematics & B.Sc. Technical Math

Portrait Coach Stricker
  • 2022 – ongoing
    TGW Logistics Group, Manager of Artificial Intelligence Competences

  • 2019 – 2022
    STIWA Group, Data Scientist

  • 2017 – 2019
    IBM, Data Scientist

  • Technische Universität, Wien
    PhD, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics


  • Basics of Collective AI Development vs. Industrial Domain Specific Development
  • Do’s and Don’ts when dealing with big data and data engineering
  • Insight into the conception of data driven products – presentation of two methodologies
  • Introduction to the basic technical knowledge of data driven approaches
  • Explanation of terms and concepts:

    • Supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, regression, decision tree
    • Insight into hypothesis testing and general statistics
  • Possible applications of big data in combination with AI or without

    • Anomaly Detection
    • Predictive Maintenance
    • Which methods are sufficient to solve a problem but without AI
    • Time series analysis
    • Image recognition and computer vision (Rovolution, Rovoflex, Autonomous Driving)
    • LLMs opportunities and risks for data-driven applications


  • Developing a deep understanding of data-driven solutions
  • More extensive knowledge of the different sub-forms of artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Differentiation competence of AI algorithms versus non-AI algorithms
  • Technical understanding & methodical application skills when designing data-driven concepts
  • Establishment of a permanent, self-organized learning club on data-driven solution approaches
  • Additional goal: Learning club has a long-term impact across the entire TGW to spread understanding and application skills on big data, AI and deep learning