The MINDtastic Club Learning Ecosystem aims to provide practical insights into the world of emerging and new technologies. The rapid advancements and improvements in technologies like VR, AR, and MR/XR will soon revolutionize the workplace and demand entirely new skill sets from employees.

While during the beginnings of the Web 1.0 (Static Web) and 2.0 (Dynamic & Social) there was a clear separation between Betrachtungsobjekt and Betrachter, Web 3.0 / 4.0 (Metaverse) will soon enable a spatial exploration of the Internet. The integration of real physical objects into the Metaverse through so-called 3D models, Digital Twins or entire Smart Factories are already reality and will further pick up pace in the following years.

In Club-Formaten like Club-Immersify, participants are already given an early practical insight into the possibilities of these technologies. Furthermore, competencies in dealing with relevant apps are acquired, as well as competencies regarding the creation of spatial content. Further club branches within this field are conceivable, depending on the progress of the so-called Emerging Technologies.

VR/AR Club

The MINDtastic Club Learning Ecosystem aims to provide practical insights into the world of emerging and new technologies. The rapid advancements and improvements in technologies like VR, AR, and MR/XR will soon revolutionize the workplace and present entirely new demands on the skills of employees.

VR/AR Brille

While during the beginnings of the Web 1.0 (Static Web) and 2.0 (Dynamic & Social), there was a clear separation between the object of observation and the observer, Web 3.0 / 4.0 (Metaverse) will soon enable spatial exploration of the internet. The integration of real physical objects into the Metaverse through so-called 3D models, Digital Twins, or entire Smart Factories is already a reality and will gain further momentum in the coming years.

In club formats like Club-Immersify, participants are given an early practical insight into the possibilities of these technologies. Additionally, competencies in using relevant apps are acquired, as well as competencies regarding the creation of spatial content. Further club branches within this field are conceivable, depending on the progress of the so-called Emerging Technologies.